Lightest O S

damn-small-linux Current Operating System requires a fairly high specification, at least 128 mb RAM or even at least 256 mb, and also requires a fairly large hard drive space. Wat else is pays-OS, in desperate need of space and a fairly high specification.

Puppy LinuxBut now do not have to worry, because there was only a small OS that can even say very  little, because the size memory is only 50 mb (maybe you would not believe), it is still in the family of Linux is Damn Linux and there is also arguably a bit light as well which is Puppy Linux is measuring 128 mb.

You want to try it please download here:
Puppy linux
Damn Linux

Goes to Open Source

Hopefully helpful.


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6 Tips Internet Safe for Children

family using laptop SocialHere are 6 tips to introduce a safe internet for children:

  1. Communication
    This is an important factor for the relationship between parents and their children. Try to establish good communication flow. When introducing the internet to children, explain the rules. Do not let your kids excessive online.
  2. Limit Online Time
    Better not to place computers with internet facilities at the nursey, but put a computer in the family room or chamber where you can control children when surfing.
    Make a list of sites tat may be accessible to them. Determine all the time online, certainly not until late at night. American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that if the limit of children to be in front of the screen to a maximum of two hours in a day.
  3. Social Networking
    Children today must have been familiar with the name Chat, Facebook, YouTube or Twitter. Nothing wrong with letting your kids participate in it,there is no harm in helping them create a profile on social networking. But it is better to use nickname rather than real names. Do not enter  personal data in the profile description. Use image favorite athlete, cartoon characters as picture profile.  It’s just needs to be monitored activity.
  4. Recognize Problem
    Observation of children surfing habits. If he often violated te agreement by staying online until late at night it never hurts to act decisively. Stay away from their online activities for some time. There is where the role communication so necessary, try to speak from heart to heart.
  5. Strengten Security Systems
    Parents certainly can not be any time watching the kids, the necessary software that can fence off the children from the existence of negative content on the internet automatically, such as the Google safe search, or Kidzui browser to block pornographic sites and other negatively charged sites before seen the children.
  6. Occasionally the parents check the history on the browser to find out what site are frequently visited by your children.


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Internet Browser on Your PC

The following are some commonly used internet browsers:

  • Firefox

firefox Mozilla firefox (originally named Phoenix and then for a moment known as Mozilla Fire Bird) is a web browser for free cross platform, open source, can be used on all operating systems (O S) on your computer.

Mozilla can be read here or here

  • Google Chrome

chromeGoogle chrome or Chromium is an open source web browser developed by Google (which is famous for its search engine) using the Webkit Rendering Engine. For details please read here

  • Internet Explorer

IE Internet Explorer, abbreviated IE or MSIE (MicroSoft Internet Explorer) is a propietary web browser for free from Microsoft. Microsoft made the browser is already installed directly on the windows operating system (O S). More detail click here

  • Opera

opera Opera is a web browser and internet software packages cross-platform. Opera consists of a collection of software for the internet such as web browsers, as well as software to read and send electronic mail (email).
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  • Flock

flock Flock is a social web browser. e was very influential for those who want to integrated Facebook, Flick, Blogs, Youtube pages and favorite website in one windows. The browser is built using Mozilla’s Firefox database.
More details

  • Safari

apple safari Safari is a web browser made by Apple Inc. Safari bundled with Mac OS X and is the default browser since Mac OS X v10.3. Safari has tabbed browsing, built in RSS feeds and Top Site.

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Mozilla Firefox

firefox Some of the advantages why would I use Firefox as a web browser when surfing the internet are as follows:

  • Standart Compliant
    Support Gecko rendering of that has been standardized W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). Code and how its use allows a web developer to build a website for Firefox
  • Available for various OS platforms
    Firefox is an open source application, the application is available for various platforms, ranging from Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
  • Prevent phising activity into your computer
    Phising is an attempt for someone t steal personal identity that you have that you usually put on the computer, usually in the form of mail, password, telephone numbers, bank account number and other important data you have.
    Firefox stores many database of phising website, so if by chance you visit the site, Firefox will warn you to not visit it.
  • Many add-ons that can be integrated
    Point is the most distinguishing Firefox with other web browser. You can add all sorts of add-ons that will add to the functionality of Firefox itself.

Click here to download or here to other version

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opera Opera is an internet browser that features a pop-up blocking, integrated searches, and various other functions such as integrated email program, RSS newsfeeds and IRC chat. Also Opera can change the look quickly and easily.

Here are some features of Opera:

  • Search Shortcuts: Search your favourite sites by typing into the address bar.
  • Trash Can: reopen a closed tab
  • Speed Dial: open your fovourite websites in one click
  • Mouse Gestures: to navigate by moving the mouse
  • Opera Link: Synchronize data between your computer online
  • Quick Find: Opera considering also the contents of the page opened, not only the address and title
  • Feed Preview: Preview the feed by clicking on the feed icon
  • Quick and Customizable Web Search: Search using google, ebay, amazon and various other search engine instantly.

Click here to download


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Flock Browser

flock Flock is a web browser that specializes in providing social networking features and other web2.0 fatures on the display interface. This browser is built using Mozilla’s Firefox codebase.

Flock has the advantages of:

  • Upload photos to the service of social site like Flickr, Facebook, Twitter, using the menu photo uploader.
  • Integrated with social networking sites
  • Update Facebook status without opening the website (of course have already logged in) and know the friend status updates via The People Sidebar, can also be integrated with Flickr, Twitter, Youtube, My Space and Digg.
  • Check your email via webmail menu
  • Post blog articles without going through menu blog editor dashbord. Integrated with Blogger, Wordpress, Blogsome, Live Journal and also account your personal blog

And many more other features, so for those of you who use Flock, you can use the features above. For those of you who have never used it, yu can try.
Unfortunately, this browser has in discontinuous or not supported by the website for updates again

For Windows download here
For Linux download here

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