I've been looking for the equivalent of WLW-based system Linux. Since the year 2007, I've tried GnomeBlog, BloGTK, and Drivel on Ubuntu, but none of the blog editing applications that satisfy me. Generally Gnome-based applications that have not developed anymore so it does not support the various features and blog platforms that exist today.
I try to search KDE-based blog editor application. As a result, I found an application called Bilbo (now known as Blogilo). What are its features?
According to his official site , here are some features Bilbo / Blogilo in general:
- Based and WYSIWYG HTML Editing
- Preview with the theme of which is owned blog
- Supports Blogger 1.0, MetaWeblog, MovableType (WordPress), and Google's GData API (Blogger.com)
- Preparation of draft posts and post schedule (Scheduled)
- Upload media file (only the MetaWeblog and MovableType)
- Storage locally for editing posts without an internet connection (offline)
- Automatic saving with certain intervals to avoid losing data in case things do not want
- Internal Checking spelling (spellchecker) internal
sudo apt-get install bilbo
After that you can access it via the main menu Applications | Internet | Bilbo. For users of Linux system, please go to the official site Bilbo / Blogilo to download it.To access your blog, go to the menu Blogs | Add Blog, and enter your blog URL address (eg: http://learntowriteblog.blogspot.com) and your account information and click the button " Auto Configure ". Bilbo / Blogilo will try to detect your blog platform and automatic configuration. Once completed, you are ready to make a first blog post with Bilbo / Blogilo. Good air-blogging-ria, Linuxer!!!
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