Nokia announced the launch of the Nokia 500, the latest entry-level smartphone. This smart phone uses a 1GHz processor and touch screen measuring 3.2 inches.
Equipped with a 5 megapixel camera, the Nokia 500 is claimed to offer the experience of enjoying music, entertainment and navigation maps and "turn by turn" Anna in the Symbian operating system. This operating system has a better web browser and the latest Ovi Maps.
"Until now, the smartphone with a reasonable price is often categorized as a device with low-quality user experience and offer substandard," said said Ilari Nurmi, vice president of Nokia, August 2, 2011.
The presence of the Nokia 500, said Nurmi, is an example that Nokia continues to strive to innovate in delivering smartphones and shows how the Symbian operating system can continue to support Nokia in meeting market needs.
Fast processor that enables a user to open a variety of applications simultaneously, switching applications quickly, and run applications that require extra performance without slowing down the overall use of the device.
For information, unlike other smartphones with operating systems that have been commonly used 1GHz processor speed, this is the first Symbian smartphone with the processor's speed.
Nokia 500 comes with pre loaded with the best music and entertainment applications such as Shazam Encore, Gig Finder, Lonely Planet and Michelin guides. Voice navigation for pedestrian and drive-offline in over 80 countries to help avoid huge roaming data charges.
Like all smartphones in general, with the Nokia 500 users can receive updates Facebook, Twitter, various social networking and live chat directly on the main screen.
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